About us
How to find us

Serving the Sunriver area since the 1960's!

Come join us at the BaseCamp Grill, only a walk to the famous Deschutes River, a John Daly drive to Crosswater Golf Club, a half hour to Mt. Bachelor ski resort and the same to some of the best fishing lakes in the state of Oregon!

       The BaseCamp Grill, under new ownership April 2016, sits on the site of the first restaurant ever in the Sunriver area then known as "The Wagonwheel" which catered to loggers and forestry workers in the area.

       Carl and Sherrie Tessen are our names and we have built a reputation for one of the finest hamburgers in Central Oregon! We buy some of the best hamburger available (single grind chuck) and the beef we use for our Deschutes Steak sandwich is choice grade. We prepare our own corned beef and very few items are premade. We take pride in being quick but not fast food! Our atmosphere is western funky, but we have fun and will make you as good a meal as you can find in Central Oregon.

The Deschutes River is famous for it's German Brown and Rainbow Trout fisheries! Or just float it on a sunny afternoon!

Sunriver is home to Crosswater Golf Club as well as the Meadows and Woodlands golf courses. The BaseCamp sits just across the river from Crosswater and Meadows!

Crane Prairie Reservoir is home to trophy Rainbow and Brook Trout as well as Largemouth Bass.

Mt Bachelor is home to some of the best snow skiing and snowmobiling in the state.

Nice selection of beer, liquor and wine offerings while you try your hand at the lottery games! Open 363 days a year!